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Red Mountain Makers

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    • 03/14/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area

    Click link above to register!

    Spend an hour long session with hot glass artist Garrett Pesta of whimsieshotglass to make as much glass art together as you can. From color pickup to shaping and blowing, what comes out is truly your work of art. Items include bowls, vases, flowers, ornaments, etc. No experience required!

    Scroll down to register! Hour long sessions are $135 and can accommodate up to 4 people. The price is $135 no matter how many attend, so come make your own set of one of a kind pieces, or share the hour with friends, family or loved ones! Design options may vary based on number of guests.  

    To request sessions for more than one hour or more than 4 people, please email 

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 03/15/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Woodshop
    • 0
    Join waitlist

     Learn the basics of woodturning to make the design of your choice.  This class will cover the fundamentals including how to safely operate a lathe, how to use hand-held turning tools, properties of wood, design considerations, and finishing.  Participants may copy an example design or develop their own.  We will have plenty of wood for practice and creativity.

    Are minors allowed? Only if accompanied by parent.

    What to Wear: You must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in long pants, closed toe and heal shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long sleeves should be avoided. Long hair must be tied back and jewelry should not be worn. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. Ear plugs are recommended for hearing protection and dust masks are also useful. 

    About the instructor:

    Carl Cummins has been woodturning as a primary activity for over 12 years.  He has studied extensively from books, videos, workshops, symposiums, and formal training from nationally and internationally known leaders in the field including David Ellsworth and Jean-Francois Escoulen.  Instead of specializing, Carl enjoys a wide variety of woodturning projects including bowls, boxes, practical items, and eccentric art pieces.

    Age: there are no age restrictions to the class, though minors must be supervised by a guardian at all times. Please read carefully the disclaimers and guidelines and contact us with any questions or concerns. 

    Refund and Cancellation Policy 

    • 03/16/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    From light bulbs to fiber optic cables, vases to garden sculpture -, everything in glass starts with a "gather". In this class students use traditional glassmaking tools to learn the basics and sculpt hot glass into a desired shape or design. Our focus is to gain the beginning skills of glasswork imperative to working in a "Hot shop." This class is taught by Garrett of Whimsies Hot Glass.

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 03/16/2025
    • 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area
    • 5

    In the intermediate glassblowers class we will explore the blowing portion of glass work. Starting with a "seed bubble" we hope to grow our seed into basic forms in glass like the tumbler or ornament. Shaping and focusing on the centering aspect of our work. Team exercises are inevitable in glass and we will be working as a team to help each other reach our desired design. Blowing glass adds a much more detailed focus in glass as opposed to sculpting and requires swift but purposeful movements to get where we want. In this class attention to movement is a large part. If you move right, the glass will move right. This class is taught by Garrett of Whimsies Hot Glass.

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. 

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 03/17/2025
    • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Woodshop
    • 2

    In this class, we will turn a pen using an acrylic pen blank from a wide variety of colors and styles. Acrylic turns much differently from wood and having taken an earlier pen class would be helpful, but not a requirement for this class. Acrylic is much harder than wood and has a different kind of smell. The finished product, if done properly, will have a beautiful, glass-like appearance. Acrylic pens offer a much wider selection of colors and styles than wood. There is a limit of three to this class. The cost of $125.00 will cover all materials, prepared pen blanks, and all supplies for finishing your pen.

    About the Instructor: Terry Tingle is the president of the Alabama Woodturners Association and is a member of The American Association of Woodturners. Terry has been teaching students how to turn pens for years, some of whom have had their exhibitions in Art and Craft Shows throughout Alabama, including Mentone.

    What to wear: You must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long sleeves should be avoided if possible and rolled up if necessary. Long hair must be tied back and dangly necklaces, earrings or other accessories shall be removed before starting the class. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. Masks may be required depending on circumstances.

    Age: there are no age restrictions to the class, though minors must be supervised by a guardian at all times. Please read carefully the disclaimers and guidelines and contact us with any questions or concerns. 

    Refund and Cancellation Policy 

    • 03/18/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area

    Click link above to register!

    Spend an hour long session with hot glass artist Garrett Pesta of whimsieshotglass to make as much glass art together as you can. From color pickup to shaping and blowing, what comes out is truly your work of art. Items include bowls, vases, flowers, ornaments, etc. No experience required!

    Scroll down to register! Hour long sessions are $135 and can accommodate up to 4 people. The price is $135 no matter how many attend, so come make your own set of one of a kind pieces, or share the hour with friends, family or loved ones! Design options may vary based on number of guests.  

    To request sessions for more than one hour or more than 4 people, please email 

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 03/19/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area

    Click link above to register!

    Spend an hour long session with hot glass artist Garrett Pesta of whimsieshotglass to make as much glass art together as you can. From color pickup to shaping and blowing, what comes out is truly your work of art. Items include bowls, vases, flowers, ornaments, etc. No experience required!

    Scroll down to register! Hour long sessions are $135 and can accommodate up to 4 people. The price is $135 no matter how many attend, so come make your own set of one of a kind pieces, or share the hour with friends, family or loved ones! Design options may vary based on number of guests.  

    To request sessions for more than one hour or more than 4 people, please email 

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 03/21/2025
    • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Welding Area
    • 2

    Develop fundamental skills in joining metal objects under the instruction of Stephen Charles, a former Welding Engineer and owner of Metalcraft Creative. This is an introductory class with no prior experience necessary. It includes a crash course in the MIG welding process, metal cutting, grinding, as well as the basics of hand tool use and shop safety.

    Students will leave with a wide familiarity of skills and studio techniques.

    NOTE: This class is a pre-requisite for the other welding process classes (stick and TIG) as well as any Project-Based Metalcraft classes.

    What to wear: If you use glasses to read, please bring them. If you can't see, you will struggle welding well. At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex are flammable and should not be worn around welding equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear (hood, jackets, gloves) will be provided as needed. 

    About the Instructor: Stephen Charles is a former Welding Engineer with many years of experience in production welding and custom fabrication. He has taught hundreds of beginners in the basics of welding and fabrication. Also, he’s pretty funny, so if you don’t have a sense of humor just laugh when everyone else does and no one will notice.

    Age: there are no age restrictions to the class, though minors must be supervised by a guardian at all times. Please read carefully the disclaimers and guidelines and contact us with any questions or concerns. 

    Refund and Cancellation Policy 

    • 03/22/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Woodshop
    • 2

    Get introduced to the beautiful craft of woodworking by making your own cutting board.

    You will choose from a variety of designs composed of different native hardwoods, learn proper assembling, gluing, sanding and finishing techniques and will be taught how to correctly use thickness planer and orbital sander.

    After this 3-hour course, you will bring home a stylish ~ 8.5" x 11" handmade board that you can show off to your friends and family.

    Check out the designs available to make during this class here

    What to wear: You must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long sleeves should be avoided if possible and rolled up if necessary. Long hair must be tied back and dangly necklaces, earrings or other accessories shall be removed before starting the class. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed.

    About the InstructorTerry Tingle is the president of the Alabama Woodturners Association and is a member of The American Association of Woodturners. Terry has been doing woodworking since 2014, and has taught students how to create cutting board designs, cut segments, glue and use a variety of clamps, and how to use planers and orbital sanders, and how to use the right finishes to preserve cutting boards. Terry is knowledgeable and experienced in making long grain, edge grain, and end grain cutting boards. He especially enjoys seeing the expression of a student who has just learned how to make something that looks great and is so useful. And cutting boards make great gifts!

    Age: there are no age restrictions to the class, though minors must be supervised by a guardian at all times. Please read carefully the disclaimers and guidelines and contact us with any questions or concerns. 

    Refund and Cancellation Policy 

    • 03/24/2025
    • 3:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area
    • 3

    Start your own journey in glass, weather with sculptures or vessels you can begin exploring while the furnace is hot and an assistant is available.

    This is an invite only unless you have taken the prerequisite intro and intermediate glassblowing or have glassblowing experience from another studio.

    $45 per person. Feel free to bring your own tools or supplies. However, tools and annealer time are supplied and glass/color is provided at near cost for those that have a project they can finish.

    Talk through with the instructor and find a plan for how to get to your desired design.

    Note: this is not a guided class, you have access to an assistant for your work. If you need practice on basics this is a great opportunity to do so.

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 03/25/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area

    Click link above to register!

    Spend an hour long session with hot glass artist Garrett Pesta of whimsieshotglass to make as much glass art together as you can. From color pickup to shaping and blowing, what comes out is truly your work of art. Items include bowls, vases, flowers, ornaments, etc. No experience required!

    Scroll down to register! Hour long sessions are $135 and can accommodate up to 4 people. The price is $135 no matter how many attend, so come make your own set of one of a kind pieces, or share the hour with friends, family or loved ones! Design options may vary based on number of guests.  

    To request sessions for more than one hour or more than 4 people, please email 

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 03/26/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area

    Click link above to register!

    Spend an hour long session with hot glass artist Garrett Pesta of whimsieshotglass to make as much glass art together as you can. From color pickup to shaping and blowing, what comes out is truly your work of art. Items include bowls, vases, flowers, ornaments, etc. No experience required!

    Scroll down to register! Hour long sessions are $135 and can accommodate up to 4 people. The price is $135 no matter how many attend, so come make your own set of one of a kind pieces, or share the hour with friends, family or loved ones! Design options may vary based on number of guests.  

    To request sessions for more than one hour or more than 4 people, please email 

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 03/28/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area

    Click link above to register!

    Spend an hour long session with hot glass artist Garrett Pesta of whimsieshotglass to make as much glass art together as you can. From color pickup to shaping and blowing, what comes out is truly your work of art. Items include bowls, vases, flowers, ornaments, etc. No experience required!

    Scroll down to register! Hour long sessions are $135 and can accommodate up to 4 people. The price is $135 no matter how many attend, so come make your own set of one of a kind pieces, or share the hour with friends, family or loved ones! Design options may vary based on number of guests.  

    To request sessions for more than one hour or more than 4 people, please email 

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 03/28/2025
    • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - 810 4TH AVE N, BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203

    DC205 March Meetup: Shodan Showdown – The Great Internet Exposure Hunt

    Date: March 28th, 2025
    Time: 7 PM – 9 PM CST
    Location: Red Mountain Makers (810 4th Ave N, Birmingham, AL 35203)

    Talk: “Show And Tell” style event, bring your interesting find, people vote, win prizes.

    Think you’ve got what it takes to uncover the internet’s strangest, most unexpected exposures?

    Join us for a "Show and Tell" style contest, where YOU bring your best OSINT finds—misconfigurations, open databases, exposed dashboards, or other weird public discoveries (all legal & ethical, of course!). The community votes, and the most fascinating submission wins prizes!

    Contest Overview:

    Participants will use OSINT and public discovery techniques to find the most interesting publicly accessible system, service, or data on the internet. The goal is to uncover misconfigurations, unintended exposures, or fascinating open resources—without breaking any laws or ethical boundaries.

    Rules and Ethical Guidelines:

    • Prohibited Actions (Do NOT Do These):
      • No Unauthorized Access – Do not bypass authentication (e.g., guessing passwords, using leaked credentials, or exploiting vulnerabilities).
      • No Private/Personal Data – Do not access, collect, or share PII (Personally Identifiable Information).
      • No Home Devices – Avoid things like personal webcams, baby monitors, smart home devices, etc.
      • No Disrupting Services – Do not perform denial-of-service (DoS), fuzzing, or aggressive scanning that could cause harm.
      • No Hacking or Exploiting – If you find something vulnerable, report it responsibly but do not exploit it.
      • No Accessing Paid or Restricted Content – If a website/service is meant to be behind a paywall or login, it is off-limits.
      • No .onion TOR / dark web hosted sites
    • ·         Allowed Actions (What You CAN Do):

    ·         Use Public Search Tools – Shodan, Censys, Google Dorking, Wayback Machine, etc.

    ·         Look for Open and Public Data – Misconfigured S3 buckets, open Elasticsearch/Kibana dashboards, public repositories.

    ·         Find Interesting Misconfigurations – Public Jenkins servers, exposed dashboards, unsecured databases.

    ·         Use Passive Reconnaissance – WHOIS lookups, certificate transparency logs, subdomain enumeration (without active brute force).

    ·         Submit a Cool Find – The most unusual or unexpected publicly accessible system wins!

    Scoring Criteria:

    • ·         Findings will be judged on:
    • ·         Uniqueness – Is it a one-of-a-kind exposure?
    • ·         Impact – Could this exposure pose a real risk if misused?
    • ·         Humor/Coolness Factor – The weirder or more unexpected, the better!
    • ·         Legality & Ethics – Must follow all contest rules.

    Prizes & Recognition:

    1st Place – Full Conference Pass to the Southeast Cybersecurity Summit
    2nd Place – A copy of The Hacker Mindset book
    3rd Place – Social Media Shoutout

    Winners also get an optional social media shoutout! Want to flex your OSINT skills to the world? We’ll feature your winning find (with your permission) on DC205’s socials—because good recon deserves recognition.

    RSVP & More Info:

    Who will uncover the wildest internet exposure? Find it, bring it, and battle it out at Shodan Showdown!

    • 03/29/2025
    • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Classroom
    • 7

    We are THRILLED to start hosting the Rug Tufting Workshops of Tuft Birmingham to Red Mountain Makers! 

    In this 3-hour workshop, you will learn how to create your own rug, hosted by Andrea creator of Tuft Birmingham! No experience needed – just bring your creativity and get ready to tuft!

    You get to upload the image you would like to make! This image will have to be completed in 2.5 hours. There will not be enough time to complete complicated images with small details, so we suggest images with no more than 4-5 colors. Andrea will reach out if she recommends changing the image!

    For non-members, this class comes with a FREE MONTH of membership (a $40 value). After completing the class, students are invited to use that free month of membership to return during open hours to work on other projects, meet people, and explore more ways to make!

    This class is taught by Andrea Willis of Tuft Birmingham. Check out her work on Instagram and Facebook or shop her work on Etsy!


    What is rug tufting?

    Rug tufting is a technique used to create rugs by punching yarn or thread through a base fabric using a tufting gun or needle. This process allows for the creation of various patterns, textures, and designs on the rug’s surface.

    Do I need any prior experience to participate in Tuft Birmingham workshops?

    No prior experience is necessary to participate in our workshop. We welcome participants of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced learners.

    What’s included with the Workshop?

    All the supplies needed to create your hand-tufted rug: tufting machines, frames, cloth, and a selection of yarn from our wide range of yarn colors.

    Finishing service done by us: gluing, shaving, and backing your rug!


    There are no age limitations. Minors must be accompanied by an adult. Email with questions. 

    Refund and Cancellation Policy 

    • 03/29/2025
    • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Classroom

    Our free monthly game night is held in the classroom at the Red Mountain Makers Makerspace on the last Saturday of each month. Come join us for a night of fun and adventure!

    We have a variety of Tabletop games to play, like Wingspan, Sushi GO, Tokaido, Ticket to Ride, and more. You’re also encouraged to bring your own.

    Game Night is a regular free event typically held on the last Saturday of the month. You DO NOT need to be a member to attend, all are welcome!

    Registration not required but encouraged to help us plan.

    • 04/01/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area

    Click link above to register!

    Spend an hour long session with hot glass artist Garrett Pesta of whimsieshotglass to make as much glass art together as you can. From color pickup to shaping and blowing, what comes out is truly your work of art. Items include bowls, vases, flowers, ornaments, etc. No experience required!

    Scroll down to register! Hour long sessions are $135 and can accommodate up to 4 people. The price is $135 no matter how many attend, so come make your own set of one of a kind pieces, or share the hour with friends, family or loved ones! Design options may vary based on number of guests.  

    To request sessions for more than one hour or more than 4 people, please email 

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 04/04/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area

    Click link above to register!

    Spend an hour long session with hot glass artist Garrett Pesta of whimsieshotglass to make as much glass art together as you can. From color pickup to shaping and blowing, what comes out is truly your work of art. Items include bowls, vases, flowers, ornaments, etc. No experience required!

    Scroll down to register! Hour long sessions are $135 and can accommodate up to 4 people. The price is $135 no matter how many attend, so come make your own set of one of a kind pieces, or share the hour with friends, family or loved ones! Design options may vary based on number of guests.  

    To request sessions for more than one hour or more than 4 people, please email 

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 04/06/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - 810 4TH AVE N, BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203

    Let's get our makerspace looking its best before the holidays!

    We'll get started around 9 AM and keep working throughout the day. Come in whenever you're available for as long as you're able to help!

    No registration needed, but if you let us know (on here or on Discord) that you'll be there, we'll know how many donuts and pizzas we'll need to keep our helpers fueled.

    • 04/08/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area

    Click link above to register!

    Spend an hour long session with hot glass artist Garrett Pesta of whimsieshotglass to make as much glass art together as you can. From color pickup to shaping and blowing, what comes out is truly your work of art. Items include bowls, vases, flowers, ornaments, etc. No experience required!

    Scroll down to register! Hour long sessions are $135 and can accommodate up to 4 people. The price is $135 no matter how many attend, so come make your own set of one of a kind pieces, or share the hour with friends, family or loved ones! Design options may vary based on number of guests.  

    To request sessions for more than one hour or more than 4 people, please email 

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 04/11/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area

    Click link above to register!

    Spend an hour long session with hot glass artist Garrett Pesta of whimsieshotglass to make as much glass art together as you can. From color pickup to shaping and blowing, what comes out is truly your work of art. Items include bowls, vases, flowers, ornaments, etc. No experience required!

    Scroll down to register! Hour long sessions are $135 and can accommodate up to 4 people. The price is $135 no matter how many attend, so come make your own set of one of a kind pieces, or share the hour with friends, family or loved ones! Design options may vary based on number of guests.  

    To request sessions for more than one hour or more than 4 people, please email 

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 04/11/2025
    • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Welding Area
    • 6

    Develop fundamental skills in joining metal objects under the instruction of Stephen Charles, a former Welding Engineer and owner of Metalcraft Creative. This is an introductory class with no prior experience necessary. It includes a crash course in the MIG welding process, metal cutting, grinding, as well as the basics of hand tool use and shop safety.

    Students will leave with a wide familiarity of skills and studio techniques.

    NOTE: This class is a pre-requisite for the other welding process classes (stick and TIG) as well as any Project-Based Metalcraft classes.

    What to wear: If you use glasses to read, please bring them. If you can't see, you will struggle welding well. At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex are flammable and should not be worn around welding equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear (hood, jackets, gloves) will be provided as needed. 

    About the Instructor: Stephen Charles is a former Welding Engineer with many years of experience in production welding and custom fabrication. He has taught hundreds of beginners in the basics of welding and fabrication. Also, he’s pretty funny, so if you don’t have a sense of humor just laugh when everyone else does and no one will notice.

    Age: there are no age restrictions to the class, though minors must be supervised by a guardian at all times. Please read carefully the disclaimers and guidelines and contact us with any questions or concerns. 

    Refund and Cancellation Policy 

    • 04/12/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area

    Click link above to register!

    Spend an hour long session with hot glass artist Garrett Pesta of whimsieshotglass to make as much glass art together as you can. From color pickup to shaping and blowing, what comes out is truly your work of art. Items include bowls, vases, flowers, ornaments, etc. No experience required!

    Scroll down to register! Hour long sessions are $135 and can accommodate up to 4 people. The price is $135 no matter how many attend, so come make your own set of one of a kind pieces, or share the hour with friends, family or loved ones! Design options may vary based on number of guests.  

    To request sessions for more than one hour or more than 4 people, please email 

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 04/15/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area

    Click link above to register!

    Spend an hour long session with hot glass artist Garrett Pesta of whimsieshotglass to make as much glass art together as you can. From color pickup to shaping and blowing, what comes out is truly your work of art. Items include bowls, vases, flowers, ornaments, etc. No experience required!

    Scroll down to register! Hour long sessions are $135 and can accommodate up to 4 people. The price is $135 no matter how many attend, so come make your own set of one of a kind pieces, or share the hour with friends, family or loved ones! Design options may vary based on number of guests.  

    To request sessions for more than one hour or more than 4 people, please email 

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 04/16/2025
    • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - 3D Printing & Circuit Lab
    • 4

    In this course, participants will chose a pre-made 3d model and learn how to use RMM's 3d printer ecosystem to bring 3d models to life with our Fused deposition modeling (FDM) printers (AKA filament printers). Prints will run overnight after the class, participants can pick up the completed project within 1 week after the class. 

    For non-members, this class comes with a FREE MONTH of membership (a $40 value). After completing the class, students are invited to use that free month of membership to return during open hours to print additional designs and learn more about 3D printing from other knowledgeable members!

    Age: there are no age restrictions to the class. Please contact us with questions. 

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes.  Long hair should be tied back. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. 

    Refund and Cancellation Policy 

    • 04/20/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Classroom

    Private Event in classroom

    • 04/22/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area

    Click link above to register!

    Spend an hour long session with hot glass artist Garrett Pesta of whimsieshotglass to make as much glass art together as you can. From color pickup to shaping and blowing, what comes out is truly your work of art. Items include bowls, vases, flowers, ornaments, etc. No experience required!

    Scroll down to register! Hour long sessions are $135 and can accommodate up to 4 people. The price is $135 no matter how many attend, so come make your own set of one of a kind pieces, or share the hour with friends, family or loved ones! Design options may vary based on number of guests.  

    To request sessions for more than one hour or more than 4 people, please email 

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 04/26/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area

    Click link above to register!

    Spend an hour long session with hot glass artist Garrett Pesta of whimsieshotglass to make as much glass art together as you can. From color pickup to shaping and blowing, what comes out is truly your work of art. Items include bowls, vases, flowers, ornaments, etc. No experience required!

    Scroll down to register! Hour long sessions are $135 and can accommodate up to 4 people. The price is $135 no matter how many attend, so come make your own set of one of a kind pieces, or share the hour with friends, family or loved ones! Design options may vary based on number of guests.  

    To request sessions for more than one hour or more than 4 people, please email 

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 04/26/2025
    • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Classroom

    Our free monthly game night is held in the classroom at the Red Mountain Makers Makerspace on the last Saturday of each month. Come join us for a night of fun and adventure!

    We have a variety of Tabletop games to play, like Wingspan, Sushi GO, Tokaido, Ticket to Ride, and more. You’re also encouraged to bring your own.

    Game Night is a regular free event typically held on the last Saturday of the month. You DO NOT need to be a member to attend, all are welcome!

    Registration not required but encouraged to help us plan.

    • 04/29/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Forge Area

    Click link above to register!

    Spend an hour long session with hot glass artist Garrett Pesta of whimsieshotglass to make as much glass art together as you can. From color pickup to shaping and blowing, what comes out is truly your work of art. Items include bowls, vases, flowers, ornaments, etc. No experience required!

    Scroll down to register! Hour long sessions are $135 and can accommodate up to 4 people. The price is $135 no matter how many attend, so come make your own set of one of a kind pieces, or share the hour with friends, family or loved ones! Design options may vary based on number of guests.  

    To request sessions for more than one hour or more than 4 people, please email 

    About the Instructor: Garrett began teaching at a young age, first as a martial arts instructor and later at a trade school for massage therapy. While teaching massage, he found a glass studio in town and was accepted as an apprentice under Daniel Bell of Red Flower Studios and Jeremy Thomley of Hot Glass Mississippi. After about a year, Garrett was hired on as an assistant in the shop. For 2 years he assisted full time in the studio while honing his glass basics. The shop focused on customer experiences and instruction. In an industry where most artists are fighting for four hours of furnace time Garrett was thrown into 12 hour days 6 days a week. After his assistantship Garrett was placed in charge of student glass experiences for 2 seasons.

    During the off time he found his way out to Utah and Texas for more education and glass work experience in other studios. After moving to Birmingham , Garrett began growing his education in furnace building with the help of Charlie Correll of Correll glass studio and now has his own portable furnace for demos and classes on the go allowing him to open his own studio: Whimsies Hot Glass. The name comes from an old glassblowing term for the creative items a glassblower may get to make at the end of the work day for themselves; whimsies are all the beginnings of glassblowers personal creativity and so it will be your beginning as well!

    While his focus and passion is in student experiences, blow your owns and classes Garrett's personal work can be found at local artist and makers markets in the Birmingham area.

    What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.

    Refund and Cancellation Policy

    • 05/31/2025
    • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Classroom

    Our free monthly game night is held in the classroom at the Red Mountain Makers Makerspace on the last Saturday of each month. Come join us for a night of fun and adventure!

    We have a variety of Tabletop games to play, like Wingspan, Sushi GO, Tokaido, Ticket to Ride, and more. You’re also encouraged to bring your own.

    Game Night is a regular free event typically held on the last Saturday of the month. You DO NOT need to be a member to attend, all are welcome!

    Registration not required but encouraged to help us plan.

    • 06/28/2025
    • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Classroom

    Our free monthly game night is held in the classroom at the Red Mountain Makers Makerspace on the last Saturday of each month. Come join us for a night of fun and adventure!

    We have a variety of Tabletop games to play, like Wingspan, Sushi GO, Tokaido, Ticket to Ride, and more. You’re also encouraged to bring your own.

    Game Night is a regular free event typically held on the last Saturday of the month. You DO NOT need to be a member to attend, all are welcome!

    Registration not required but encouraged to help us plan.

    • 07/26/2025
    • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Classroom

    Our free monthly game night is held in the classroom at the Red Mountain Makers Makerspace on the last Saturday of each month. Come join us for a night of fun and adventure!

    We have a variety of Tabletop games to play, like Wingspan, Sushi GO, Tokaido, Ticket to Ride, and more. You’re also encouraged to bring your own.

    Game Night is a regular free event typically held on the last Saturday of the month. You DO NOT need to be a member to attend, all are welcome!

    Registration not required but encouraged to help us plan.

    • 08/30/2025
    • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Classroom

    Our free monthly game night is held in the classroom at the Red Mountain Makers Makerspace on the last Saturday of each month. Come join us for a night of fun and adventure!

    We have a variety of Tabletop games to play, like Wingspan, Sushi GO, Tokaido, Ticket to Ride, and more. You’re also encouraged to bring your own.

    Game Night is a regular free event typically held on the last Saturday of the month. You DO NOT need to be a member to attend, all are welcome!

    Registration not required but encouraged to help us plan.

    • 09/27/2025
    • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Classroom

    Our free monthly game night is held in the classroom at the Red Mountain Makers Makerspace on the last Saturday of each month. Come join us for a night of fun and adventure!

    We have a variety of Tabletop games to play, like Wingspan, Sushi GO, Tokaido, Ticket to Ride, and more. You’re also encouraged to bring your own.

    Game Night is a regular free event typically held on the last Saturday of the month. You DO NOT need to be a member to attend, all are welcome!

    Registration not required but encouraged to help us plan.

    • 10/25/2025
    • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Classroom

    Our free monthly game night is held in the classroom at the Red Mountain Makers Makerspace on the last Saturday of each month. Come join us for a night of fun and adventure!

    We have a variety of Tabletop games to play, like Wingspan, Sushi GO, Tokaido, Ticket to Ride, and more. You’re also encouraged to bring your own.

    Game Night is a regular free event typically held on the last Saturday of the month. You DO NOT need to be a member to attend, all are welcome!

    Registration not required but encouraged to help us plan.

    • 11/22/2025
    • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Classroom

    November's Game Night is 2nd to last Saturday of the month.

    Our free monthly game night is held in the classroom at the Red Mountain Makers Makerspace on the last Saturday of each month. Come join us for a night of fun and adventure!

    We have a variety of Tabletop games to play, like Wingspan, Sushi GO, Tokaido, Ticket to Ride, and more. You’re also encouraged to bring your own.

    Game Night is a regular free event typically held on the last Saturday of the month. You DO NOT need to be a member to attend, all are welcome!

    Registration not required but encouraged to help us plan.

    • 12/20/2025
    • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Red Mountain Makers - Classroom

    December's Game Night is 2nd to last Saturday of the month.

    Our free monthly game night is held in the classroom at the Red Mountain Makers Makerspace on the last Saturday of each month. Come join us for a night of fun and adventure!

    We have a variety of Tabletop games to play, like Wingspan, Sushi GO, Tokaido, Ticket to Ride, and more. You’re also encouraged to bring your own.

    Game Night is a regular free event typically held on the last Saturday of the month. You DO NOT need to be a member to attend, all are welcome!

    Registration not required but encouraged to help us plan.

Past events

03/12/2025 Intro to 3D Printing
03/12/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions 
03/11/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions 
03/10/2025 Turn an Elegant "Baron" Fountain Pen or Rolle Ball Pen
03/09/2025 RMM Monthly Membership & Board Meeting
03/09/2025 Private Event in Classroom
03/07/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions 
03/05/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions 
03/04/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
03/03/2025 Turn a Wooden Pen
03/03/2025 Glass Blowing Open Studio
03/02/2025 Open Hours
03/02/2025 Private Event in Classroom
03/01/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
03/01/2025 Open Hours
03/01/2025 Private Glassblowing Event
03/01/2025 Private Event in Classroom
02/28/2025 Private Glassblowing Event
02/28/2025 Introduction to Welding (MIG)
02/26/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
02/25/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
02/23/2025 Open Hours
02/23/2025 Private Event in Classroom
02/23/2025 Pewter Pendant Casting Workshop
02/22/2025 February Monthly Game Night *Free and open to Non-members*
02/22/2025 Open Hours
02/22/2025 Beginner Blacksmithing: Forging A Stock Knife
02/22/2025 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
02/22/2025 Metal Casting: Bronze and Ceramic Shell (2 part class)
02/21/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
02/19/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
02/18/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
02/17/2025 Turn an Acrylic Pen
02/17/2025 Intro to hot glass: Gathering, Sculpting, and Flowers
02/16/2025 RMM Monthly Board Meeting
02/16/2025 Open Hours
02/16/2025 Intermediate Blacksmithing: Forging Axes
02/16/2025 Intermediate Blacksmithing: Forging a Flint Striker
02/15/2025 Open Hours
02/15/2025 Tap into Tufting - Rug Tufting Workshop
02/15/2025 Beginner Blacksmithing: Forging A Letter Opener
02/15/2025 Turn a Wooden Twig Vase
02/15/2025 Beginner Blacksmithing: Forging Nails
02/14/2025 Introduction to Welding (MIG)
02/14/2025 Intermediate Welding: Introduction to Stick welding
02/12/2025 Pewter Pendant Casting Workshop
02/12/2025 Intro to 3D Printing
02/12/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
02/11/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
02/10/2025 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
02/09/2025 Open Hours
02/09/2025 Maker Space at Kami-Con: Learn to Solder
02/09/2025 Private Event in Classroom
02/08/2025 Maker Space at Kami-Con: Leather D20 Bag
02/08/2025 Maker Space at Kami-Con: Learn to Solder
02/08/2025 Open Hours
02/08/2025 Maker Space at Kami-Con: Leather D20 Bag
02/07/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
02/05/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
02/04/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
02/03/2025 Turn a Wooden Pen
02/02/2025 Open Hours
02/02/2025 Intermediate Blacksmithing: Forging Railroad Spike Knives
02/01/2025 Open Hours
02/01/2025 Beginner Blacksmithing: Forging A Stock Knife
02/01/2025 Beginner Blacksmithing: Forging Nails
01/31/2025 DC205 January Meetup: Hack Your Career *Free and open to Non-members*
01/31/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
01/30/2025 Open Hours
01/29/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
01/28/2025 Open Hours
01/28/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
01/27/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
01/26/2025 Open Hours
01/26/2025 Pewter Pendant Casting Workshop
01/26/2025 Private Event in Classroom
01/26/2025 Beginner Stained Glass: Snow Flake Ornament
01/25/2025 January Monthly Game Night *Free and open to Non-members*
01/25/2025 Open Hours
01/25/2025 Blacksmithing: Forge a belt buckle
01/25/2025 Tap into Tufting - Rug Tufting Workshop
01/25/2025 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
01/25/2025 Metal Casting: Bronze and Ceramic Shell (2 part class)
01/24/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
01/23/2025 Open Hours
01/22/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
01/21/2025 Open Hours
01/21/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
01/20/2025 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
01/19/2025 Intermediate Glassblowing
01/19/2025 Open Hours
01/18/2025 Intro To Glassblowing
01/18/2025 Open Hours
01/18/2025 Private Event in Classroom
01/18/2025 Turn a Wooden Twig Vase
01/18/2025 Beginner Blacksmithing: Forging Nails
01/17/2025 Introduction to Welding (MIG)
01/17/2025 Intermediate Welding: Introduction to TIG welding
01/16/2025 Open Hours
01/15/2025 Intro to 3D Printing
01/15/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
01/14/2025 Open Hours
01/14/2025 Glass Blowing Open Studio
01/13/2025 Turn an Acrylic Pen
01/13/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
01/12/2025 Open Hours
01/12/2025 Tap into Tufting - Rug Tufting Workshop
01/12/2025 Pewter Pendant Casting
01/11/2025 Open Hours
01/10/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
01/09/2025 Open Hours
01/08/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
01/07/2025 Open Hours
01/07/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
01/06/2025 Turn a Wooden Pen
01/05/2025 Open Hours
01/04/2025 Open Hours
01/03/2025 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
01/02/2025 Open Hours
12/31/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
12/29/2024 Intermediate Glassblowing
12/28/2024 Intro To Glassblowing
12/28/2024 December Monthly Game Night *Free and open to Non-members*
12/28/2024 Tiny Tufters - Rug Tufting Workshop for Kids 8 to 12!
12/27/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
12/23/2024 Pewter Pendant Casting
12/21/2024 Mold Making III - Casting bronze and Ceramic Shell (2 part class)
12/20/2024 DC205 December Meetup *Free and open to Non-members*
12/20/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
12/19/2024 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
12/18/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
12/17/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
12/16/2024 Turn a Wooden Pen
12/15/2024 Pewter Pendant Casting
12/14/2024 Macrame Christmas Ornament Workshop
12/14/2024 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
12/14/2024 Project Support Day: Welding and Metal Fabrication
12/13/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
12/12/2024 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
12/11/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
12/10/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
12/09/2024 Turn a Wooden Pen
12/08/2024 Red Mountain Makers Board Meeting - December
12/07/2024 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
12/07/2024 Tap into Tufting - Rug Tufting Workshop
12/06/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
12/05/2024 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
12/04/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
12/03/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
12/02/2024 Turn a Wooden Pen
12/01/2024 Beginner Stained Glass: Snow Flake Ornament
12/01/2024 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
12/01/2024 Intro to Woodworking: Build a Simple Stool
12/01/2024 Pewter Pendant Casting
11/30/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
11/30/2024 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
11/30/2024 Beginner Blacksmithing: Forging Nails
11/27/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
11/26/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
11/24/2024 Intermediate Blacksmithing: Forging S-Hooks
11/24/2024 Learn to Sew: Make a Lumbar Pillow
11/24/2024 Pewter Pendant Casting
11/23/2024 November Monthly Game Night *Free and open to Non-members*
11/23/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
11/23/2024 Mold Making II: Silicon molds of small, complex objects
11/23/2024 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
11/23/2024 Learn to Sew: Tote Bags
11/22/2024 DC205 November Meetup *Free and open to Non-members*
11/21/2024 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
11/20/2024 Intro to 3D Printing
11/20/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
11/19/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
11/17/2024 Pewter Pendant Casting
11/16/2024 Turn wooden Christmas Ornaments
11/15/2024 Introduction to Welding (MIG)
11/15/2024 Intermediate Welding: Introduction to TIG welding
11/12/2024 Red Mountain Makers Board Meeting - November
11/10/2024 Pewter Pendant Casting
11/09/2024 Learn to Sew: Make a Lumbar Pillow
11/09/2024 Crochet for Beginners
11/09/2024 Clean Up Day
11/08/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
11/07/2024 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
11/06/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
11/05/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
11/04/2024 Turn a Wooden Pen
11/02/2024 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
11/01/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
10/30/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
10/29/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
10/27/2024 Making a Makerspace - October
10/27/2024 Beginner Stained Glass: Halloween Ornament
10/27/2024 Leather Crafting: Burlington Belt Bag
10/27/2024 Forging a Copper Bracelet
10/26/2024 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
10/26/2024 Intermediate Blacksmithing: Forging Scrolls
10/25/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
10/23/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
10/22/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
10/21/2024 Turn an Acrylic Pen
10/20/2024 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
10/20/2024 Pewter Pendant Casting
10/19/2024 October Monthly Game Night *Free and open to Non-members*
10/19/2024 Glass Fusing: Halloween Night Light
10/19/2024 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
10/19/2024 Intermediate Blacksmithing: Horse Shoe Knife
10/18/2024 Introduction to Welding (MIG)
10/18/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
10/16/2024 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen 
10/16/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
10/15/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
10/13/2024 Learn Leatherworking: Make a Key Fob
10/13/2024 Intermediate Blacksmithing: Forging a Flint Striker
10/13/2024 Beginner Blacksmithing: Triangle idiophone
10/12/2024 Forging a Copper Bracelet
10/12/2024 Beginner Blacksmithing: Forging Nails
10/12/2024 Alabama Woodturners Association Meeting With Four Demonstrations
10/09/2024 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen 
10/09/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
10/08/2024 Red Mountain Makers Board Meeting - October
10/08/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
10/07/2024 Turn a Wooden Pen
10/05/2024 Turn a Wooden Bowl
10/03/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
10/02/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
09/29/2024 Making a Makerspace - September
09/29/2024 Learn to Sew: Make a Lumbar Pillow
09/29/2024 Leather Crafting: 8 Strand Round Braid Keychain
09/28/2024 September Monthly Game Night *Free and open to Non-members*
09/28/2024 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
09/27/2024 DC205 September Meetup *Free and open to Non-members*
09/26/2024 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
09/26/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
09/25/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glassblowing Sessions
09/24/2024 Art Committee Meeting
09/24/2024 Tool Teaching Tuesdays: Woodshop
09/23/2024 Intro to Soldering: RMM Blinky Badge
09/22/2024 Intermediate Glassblowing
09/22/2024 Pewter Pendant Casting
09/21/2024 Intro To Glassblowing
09/21/2024 Sip & Stitch: BYOB Cross Stitching
09/21/2024 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
09/20/2024 Introduction to Welding
09/19/2024 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
09/18/2024 Intro to 3D Printing
09/18/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
09/16/2024 Turn a Wooden Pen
09/14/2024 AWA Class Series: Turn a Wooden Sphere
08/31/2024 August Monthly Game Night *Free and open to non-members*
08/31/2024 Leather Crafting: Bi-fold wallet
08/30/2024 DC205 August Meetup *Free and open to Non-members*
08/24/2024 Intermediate Glassblowing
08/24/2024 Glassblowing Special Session
08/24/2024 Intro to Glass Fusing: Make a Fused Plate
08/24/2024 Stained Glass - Cathedral Windows and Restoration
08/24/2024 Intro to Woodworking: Build a Carpenters Tool Tote
08/22/2024 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
08/19/2024 Turn a Wooden Pen
08/19/2024 Intro to Soldering: RMM Blinky Badge
08/17/2024 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
08/17/2024 Stained glass lamp shade
08/16/2024 Introduction to Welding
08/11/2024 Stained glass kaleidoscope
08/10/2024 Intro To Glassblowing
08/10/2024 Stained Glass Sun Catcher II
08/04/2024 Stained Glass Panel II *New Class*
08/03/2024 Casting metal 101: Aluminum Ingots
07/31/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
07/30/2024 Tool Teaching Tuesdays: Woodshop Edition
07/30/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
07/28/2024 Making a Makerspace: July **Free Event**
07/28/2024 Leather Crafting: Basic Belt Construction
07/28/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
07/28/2024 Mold Making III - Casting bronze and Ceramic Shell (2 part class)
07/27/2024 July Monthly Game Night *Free and open to Non-members*
07/27/2024 Mold Making II - silicon molds of small, complex objects
07/26/2024 DC205 July Meetup *Free and open to Non-members*
07/26/2024 Introduction to Welding
07/24/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
07/23/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
07/21/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
07/21/2024 Stained Glass Candle Holders
07/20/2024 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
07/20/2024 Stained Glass Sun Catcher 1
07/18/2024 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
07/17/2024 Intro to 3D Printing
07/17/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
07/16/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
07/15/2024 Turn a Wooden Pen
07/14/2024 3-D Stained Glass Terrarium Plant (Pink or Green)
07/13/2024 New Class Stained Glass Panel I
07/10/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
07/09/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
07/07/2024 Intro into Mold Making I - Casting Resin (Infinity stone)
07/07/2024 Stained Glass -Red, White and Blue Fire Cracker
07/06/2024 Forging Hammers
07/03/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
07/02/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
06/30/2024 Leather Crafting: Knife Sheath
06/30/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
06/29/2024 June Monthly Game Night *Free and open to Non-members*
06/29/2024 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
06/28/2024 DC205 June Meetup *Free and open to Non-members*
06/26/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
06/25/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
06/23/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
06/23/2024 Forging Roses
06/22/2024 Forging a Penannular Brooch
06/22/2024 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
06/20/2024 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
06/19/2024 Sip & Stitch
06/19/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
06/18/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
06/17/2024 Turn a Wooden Pen
06/16/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
06/16/2024 Stained Glass Ornament - 3-D Moravian Star
06/15/2024 Stained Glass - Mushroom Ornament
06/15/2024 Intro To Glassblowing
06/15/2024 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
06/15/2024 Stained Glass Jewelry -Creating a Stained Glass Pendant/Broach
06/14/2024 Introduction to Welding
06/12/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
06/11/2024 RMM Board Meeting
06/11/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
06/09/2024 *New Class* Canister Damascus
06/08/2024 Stained Glass - Liminal Glass
06/08/2024 Glass Fusing: Plates
06/08/2024 AWA Class Series: Turn a Pen in Acrylic
06/08/2024 Intro to Stained Glass - Coasters
06/05/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
06/04/2024 You Blew It! 1 Hour Glass Blowing Sessions
06/02/2024 Stained Glass Ornament - Summer Sun
06/02/2024 Stained Glass Ornament - Honey Comb Ornament
06/01/2024 Free Stained Glass Tour
05/26/2024 **Free Event** Making a Makerspace
05/26/2024 Crafting Viking Shields
05/25/2024 May Monthly Game Night *Free and open to Non-members*
05/25/2024 Aluminum Open Face Casting
05/24/2024 DC205 May Meetup *Free and open to Non-members*
05/20/2024 Turn a Wooden Pen
05/19/2024 Learn to Make a Lumbar Pillow
05/19/2024 *New Class* Ceramic Shell Bronze Casting 2 Day Course
05/18/2024 Learn to Sew: Make a Lumbar Pillow
05/18/2024 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
05/18/2024 Marketing & Events Meeting
05/17/2024 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
05/16/2024 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
05/12/2024 Forging Twist and Scrolls
05/12/2024 Stained Glass Ornament - Tulip Flower
05/11/2024 Forging A Stock Knife
05/11/2024 AWA Class Series: Turn a Pen in Acrylic
05/11/2024 Forging Nails
05/10/2024 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101 
05/08/2024 Intro to 3D Printing
05/04/2024 Turn a Wooden Goblet
04/28/2024 **Free Event** Making a Makerspace
04/28/2024 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
04/27/2024 Monthly Game Night *Free and open to Non-members*
04/26/2024 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
04/21/2024 Red Mountain Makers Market Day & Open House
04/20/2024 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
04/20/2024 Stained Glass Ornament - Blue Feather
04/20/2024 Forging Nails
04/16/2024 Turn a Wooden Bowl
04/15/2024 Turn a Wooden Pen
04/14/2024 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
04/13/2024 Forging A Stock Knife
04/13/2024 AWA Class Series:Learn to Turn an Egg Sculpture
04/13/2024 Forging Nails
04/13/2024 Clean Up Day
04/06/2024 Turn a Wooden Bowl
03/31/2024 **Free Event** Making a Makerspace
03/30/2024 **Free Event** Game Night
03/30/2024 *New Class* Ceramic Shell Bronze Casting 2 Day Course
03/22/2024 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
03/22/2024 *New Class* Prop Making & Rubber Silicone Molds
03/21/2024 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
03/18/2024 Turn a Wooden Pen
03/17/2024 *New Class* Bearded Axe Forge Welding
03/16/2024 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
03/16/2024 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
03/16/2024 Stained Glass Ornament - Shamrock
03/09/2024 AWA Class Series: Two Part Hollow Form
03/02/2024 *New Class* Turn a Wooden Twig Vase
03/02/2024 Advanced Blacksmithing Forging A Sword - 4 day Course
02/25/2024 **Free Event** Making a Makerspace
02/24/2024 **Free Event** Game Night
02/24/2024 Private Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
02/22/2024 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
02/19/2024 Turn a Wooden Pen
02/18/2024 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
02/17/2024 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
02/16/2024 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
02/11/2024 Learn to Make a Drawstring Bag
02/11/2024 Forging Hearts
02/11/2024 Stained Glass Ornament - Heart
02/10/2024 AWA Class Series: Bowl Gouge Technique
02/10/2024 Forging Hammers
02/09/2024 Aluminum Open Face Casting
02/04/2024 Learn to Make a Lumbar Pillow
02/04/2024 Historic Riveted Chain Mail Armoring Class
02/03/2024 Sterling Silver Book marks Bezel Setting Stones
02/03/2024 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
01/31/2024 Stained Glass Ornament - Shamrock
01/28/2024 **Free Event** Making a Makerspace
01/27/2024 **Free Event** Game Night
01/25/2024 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
01/22/2024 Turn a Wooden Pen
01/21/2024 New Experiential Class* Crafting A Leather Sheath
01/20/2024 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
01/14/2024 Oxy Acetylene Torch Welding, Brazing & Soldering
01/14/2024 Forging Hammers
01/13/2024 Stained Glass Ornament - Cardinal
01/13/2024 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
01/12/2024 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
01/06/2024 Turn a Wooden Pen 
01/06/2024 Forging A Dagger - 2 day course
01/06/2024 Turn a Wooden Bowl
12/30/2023 **Free Event** Game Night
12/19/2023 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
12/16/2023 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
12/15/2023 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
12/13/2023 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
12/12/2023 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
12/11/2023 Turn a Wooden Pen
12/10/2023 Stained Glass Ornament - Angel
12/09/2023 Stained Glass Ornament - Candy Cane
12/09/2023 Forging a Christmas ornament
12/09/2023 Stained Glass Ornament - Poinsettia
12/04/2023 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
12/03/2023 Forging a Christmas ornament
12/02/2023 Turn a Wooden Bowl
11/26/2023 **Free Event** Making a Makerspace
11/24/2023 **Free Event** Game Night
11/20/2023 Turn a Wooden Pen
11/18/2023 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
11/18/2023 Stained Glass Ornament - Snowflake
11/17/2023 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
11/16/2023 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
11/15/2023 Intro to 3D Printing
11/15/2023 Stained Glass Ornament - Cardinal
11/05/2023 2 Day Course: Forging Railroad Spike Knives
11/04/2023 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
11/04/2023 Turn a Wooden Christmas Ornament
10/29/2023 **Free Event** Making a Makerspace
10/26/2023 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
10/24/2023 Sewing Class! Let's Make a Wristlet Key Holder
10/23/2023 Turn a Wooden Pen
10/22/2023 Sewing Class! Let's Make a Wristlet Key Holder
10/21/2023 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
10/21/2023 Stained Glass Ornament - Candy Cane
10/21/2023 Turn a Wooden Bowl
10/21/2023 Forging Axes - 2 Day Class
10/21/2023 Stained Glass Ornament - Pumpkin
10/20/2023 **Free Event** Game Night
10/20/2023 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
10/18/2023 Intro to 3d Design with Solidworks CAD
10/14/2023 AWA Class Series: Incorporating a Celtic Knot
10/08/2023 Forging Horseshoe Knives
10/07/2023 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
09/30/2023 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
09/22/2023 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
09/21/2023 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
09/18/2023 Turn a Wooden Pen
09/16/2023 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
09/16/2023 Turn a Wooden Candle Holder
09/09/2023 AWA Class Series: What's Next in Spindle Turning
08/30/2023 Summer Series: Intro to 3D Printing
08/29/2023 Summer Series: Intro to Soldering
08/27/2023 Advance Stained Glass - Kaleidoscope
08/26/2023 Advanced Stained Glass: Leaded Sun Catcher
08/26/2023 Summer Series: Intro to Machining - Metal Lathe
08/25/2023 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
08/24/2023 Summer Series: Intro to Woodworking
08/22/2023 Summer Series: PC Hardware Basics
08/22/2023 Summer Series: Woodshop Basics
08/21/2023 Turn a Wooden Pen
08/20/2023 Summer Series: Intro to Lasercutting
08/20/2023 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
08/19/2023 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
08/19/2023 Summer Series: Circuits and Electronics
08/19/2023 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
08/17/2023 Summer Series: Python Basics
08/15/2023 Summer Series: PC Hardware Basics
08/12/2023 AWA Class Series Presentation
08/06/2023 Monthly Stained Glass Ornament:The Blazing Sun
08/05/2023 Summer Series: Tie Dye T-shirts!
08/05/2023 Stained Glass Terrarium Plant (Pink or Green)
07/31/2023 Summer Series: Digital Literacy
07/30/2023 Summer Series: Intro to Soldering
07/30/2023 Summer Series: Code a Microbit
07/29/2023 Summer Series: Intro to Laser Cutting
07/29/2023 Stained Glass - Make Your Own Ornament
07/28/2023 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
07/28/2023 **Free Event** Game Night
07/27/2023 Summer Series: Intro to Laser Cutting
07/27/2023 Learn to Make an Elegant Hand-crafted “Baron” Fountain Pen
07/27/2023 Summer Series: Mathematics Basics
07/26/2023 Summer Series: Intro to 3D Printing
07/25/2023 Summer Series: PC Hardware Basics
07/24/2023 Turn a Wooden Pen
07/24/2023 Summer Series: Digital Literacy
07/22/2023 Turn a Wooden Bowl
07/19/2023 Summer Series: Python Basics
07/18/2023 Summer Series: PC Hardware Basics
07/17/2023 Summer Series: Build a Wooden Box
07/16/2023 Summer Series: Intro to Soldering
07/15/2023 Summer Series: Digital Literacy
07/15/2023 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
07/12/2023 Summer Series: Woodshop Basics
07/09/2023 Stained Glass 3D Star
07/08/2023 Beginner-Stained Glass Pictorial Scene
07/08/2023 AWA Class Series - Cowboy Hat Ornamanet
07/02/2023 Intro to Stained Glass: Learn to Cut Glass
07/02/2023 Monthly Stained Glass Ornament: Red White and Blue Firecracker
07/01/2023 Monthly Stained Glass Ornament: Red White and Blue Firecracker
07/01/2023 Intro to Stained Glass: Learn to Cut Glass
06/30/2023 **Free Event** Board Game Night
06/28/2023 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
06/25/2023 Forging a Dog Head Bottle Opener
06/24/2023 Forging a Leaf Key Fob
06/21/2023 Intro to 3d Design with Solidworks CAD
06/19/2023 Turn a Wooden Pen
06/18/2023 Forging Roses
06/17/2023 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
06/17/2023 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
06/16/2023 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
06/10/2023 AWA Class Series Natural Edge Bowl
05/28/2023 Stained Glass Ornament - Memorial Day Flag
05/27/2023 **Free Event** Beginner Car Maintenance for Women
05/27/2023 Forged belt buckle
05/26/2023 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
05/26/2023 **Free Event** Board Game Night
05/20/2023 Metal Art Class: Make a piece of art from scrap metal.
05/20/2023 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
05/20/2023 Forging A Dagger - 2 day course
05/19/2023 Welding: Advanced Project Class
05/13/2023 Forging A Knife - Birthday Celebration for 4 - Private Class
05/13/2023 AWA Class Series - Make a Gonk
05/12/2023 Welding Basics: Introduction to TIG
05/09/2023 **Free Event** Taco Tuesday: Maker Member Appreciation Day
05/09/2023 FREE Teardown Tuesday
04/30/2023 Torch Welding, Brazing & Soldering
04/30/2023 Torch Welding, Brazing & Soldering
04/29/2023 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
04/28/2023 **Free Event** Board Game Night
04/21/2023 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
04/17/2023 Turn a Wooden Pen
04/16/2023 Forging Axes
04/15/2023 Welding: Basic Project Class
04/15/2023 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
04/15/2023 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
04/14/2023 Metal Art Class: Make a piece of art from scrap metal.
04/13/2023 Forging A Stock Knife
04/11/2023 FREE Teardown Tuesday
04/09/2023 Stained Glass Ornament - Easter Egg
04/09/2023 Stained Glass Ornament - Easter Egg
04/08/2023 Learning How to Make Smoother Cuts with Gouges
04/02/2023 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
04/01/2023 Forging a Leaf Key Fob
04/01/2023 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
03/31/2023 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
03/26/2023 Learn to Make a Lumbar Pillow
03/22/2023 Intro to Soldering
03/19/2023 Turn a Wooden Pen
03/19/2023 Turn a Wooden Pen
03/18/2023 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
03/12/2023 Forging Belt Buckle
03/12/2023 Monthly Stained Glass Ornament - Shamrock
03/11/2023 Forging Axes
03/11/2023 AWA Class Series Turn a Wooden Pen
03/11/2023 Forging a Dog Head Bottle Opener
03/04/2023 Turn a Wooden Candle Holder
03/03/2023 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
02/27/2023 Turn a Wooden Pen
02/26/2023 Turn a Wooden Candle Holder
02/26/2023 Forging Hammers
02/25/2023 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
02/18/2023 Bottle Opener or Bottle Stopper
02/14/2023 Valentine's Metal Art Class (beginner): Make a piece of art from scrap metal.
02/12/2023 Turn a Wooden Bowl
02/12/2023 Forging Horseshoe Heart
02/11/2023 AWA Class Series: Bottle Opener or Stopper
02/11/2023 Stained Glass Ornament - Heart
02/11/2023 Forging Roses
02/04/2023 Turn a Wooden Bowl
02/02/2023 Team Building Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
01/29/2023 Forging a Candle Holder
01/28/2023 Forging a Penannular Brooch
01/28/2023 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
01/28/2023 Vision Board Party
01/28/2023 Monthly Stained Glass Ornament - TBD
01/25/2023 Intro to Soldering
01/22/2023 Forging a Leaf Key Fob
01/22/2023 Forging Knives
01/21/2023 Learn to Make a Lumbar Pillow
01/21/2023 Bottle Opener or Bottle Stopper
01/20/2023 Welding Basics: Introduction to TIG
01/19/2023 Welding Private Class
01/14/2023 AWA Class Series: Beaded Bowl
01/13/2023 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
01/08/2023 Forging a Corkscrew
01/08/2023 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
01/07/2023 Forging a Flambeau
01/03/2023 Turn a Wooden Pen
12/23/2022 Forging A Knife
12/19/2022 Turn a Wooden Pen
12/18/2022 Advanced Blacksmithing Forging A Sword - 4 day Course
12/17/2022 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
12/17/2022 Forging Axes
12/10/2022 Forging A Dagger - 2 day course
12/09/2022 Making a Wooden Stove Top Cover
12/09/2022 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
12/09/2022 Stained Glass Ornament - Snowflake
12/04/2022 Turn wooden Christmas Ornaments
12/04/2022 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
12/03/2022 Forging a Christmas ornament
12/03/2022 Turn wooden Christmas Ornaments
12/03/2022 Stained Glass Ornament - Snowflake
12/02/2022 DIY and Wine - Christmas Ornaments
11/27/2022 Forging a church key Bottle Opener
11/26/2022 Forging a Leaf Key Fob
11/26/2022 Forging S-Hooks
11/21/2022 Turn a Wooden Pen
11/20/2022 Fabricating Armored Gauntlets
11/19/2022 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
11/19/2022 Sheet Metal Forming Basics: Chasing and Repoussé
11/18/2022 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
11/16/2022 Intro to Soldering
11/12/2022 Stained Glass Ornament - Leaf
11/12/2022 AWA Class Series - Miniature Bird House Ornament
11/11/2022 Welding Basics: Introduction to TIG
11/06/2022 Penannular Brooch
11/06/2022 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
11/05/2022 Making earrings
11/05/2022 Turn a wooden bowl
10/30/2022 Forging Roses
10/29/2022 Forging a Dinner Bell
10/29/2022 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
10/24/2022 Turn a Wooden Pen
10/22/2022 Acid Etching Pendants
10/22/2022 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
10/16/2022 Wood Turning a Letter Opener Handle
10/16/2022 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
10/16/2022 Forging A Letter Opener
10/15/2022 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
10/15/2022 Stained Glass Ornament - Pumpkin
10/15/2022 Turn a wooden Vase or Goblet
10/14/2022 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
10/08/2022 Stained Glass Coaster
10/08/2022 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
10/02/2022 Forging a dog head Bottle Opener
10/01/2022 Forging a Leaf Key Fob
10/01/2022 Forging S-Hooks
09/30/2022 **Free Event** Game night and TTRPG Monster Hunters - Session 0
09/28/2022 Intro to Soldering
09/26/2022 Turn a Wooden Pen
09/17/2022 Turn a wooden bowl
09/16/2022 Welding Basics: Introduction to TIG
09/09/2022 TBD - Cutting Boards 201 - Intermediate Woodworking
09/03/2022 Bottle Opener or Bottle Stopper
08/28/2022 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
08/27/2022 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
08/27/2022 Stained Glass Kaleidoscope
08/26/2022 Stained Glass Leaded Sun Catcher
08/22/2022 Turn a Wooden Pen
08/20/2022 Turn a Flower Vase
08/19/2022 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
08/14/2022 *New Intermediate Class* Forging a Silver spoon
08/14/2022 Forging a Leaf Key Fob
08/14/2022 Sheet Metal Forming Basics: Chasing and Repoussé
08/13/2022 *New Jewelry Class* Acid Etching Pendants
08/13/2022 AWA Class - Sharpening Woodturning Tools
08/13/2022 Stained Glass Ornament - Blue Feather
08/13/2022 Forging S-Hooks
08/07/2022 Sew an indoor/outdoor pillow
07/30/2022 Making earrings
07/30/2022 Forging Bottle Openers
07/30/2022 Stained Glass Candle Holder
07/25/2022 Turn a Wooden Pen
07/23/2022 Bee School - Short Class
07/16/2022 Beekeeping Pests 101
07/09/2022 Stained Glass 3D Star
07/09/2022 AWA Class - Turn a Bowl With a Fluted Rim
07/09/2022 Stained Glass Ornament
07/09/2022 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
07/08/2022 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
06/29/2022 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
06/26/2022 *New Jewelry Class* Making earrings
06/26/2022 Forging a Leaf Key Fob
06/26/2022 *New Jewelry Class* Setting Gem stones
06/25/2022 Bee School - Short Class
06/25/2022 *New Beginner Class* Forging S-Hooks
06/24/2022 Beekeeping Pests 101
06/20/2022 Turn a Wooden Pen
06/19/2022 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
06/18/2022 Silver Ring Casting
06/17/2022 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
06/14/2022 Bee School - One Day Class
06/12/2022 *New Beginner Class* Forging a Copper Bracelet
06/12/2022 *Special Discount 60% off!* - Stained Glass Ornament
06/12/2022 *New Beginner Class* Forging S-Hooks
06/11/2022 Stained Glass Coaster
06/11/2022 AWA Class - Christmas Ornaments
06/11/2022 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
06/08/2022 Woodturning for Beginners - Face Grain
06/08/2022 Forging A Stock Knife
06/06/2022 Turn a Wooden Pen
06/01/2022 Woodturning for Beginners - Long Grain
05/29/2022 *New Class!* Penannular Brooch
05/28/2022 How to Split a Bee Hive 201
05/28/2022 Forged belt buckle
05/27/2022 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
05/23/2022 Turn a Wooden Pen
05/21/2022 Bee School - Short Class
05/15/2022 *New Advanced Class!* Forging A Sword - 4 day Course
05/14/2022 AWA Class: Turning a Bowl
05/14/2022 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
05/14/2022 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
05/09/2022 Turn a Wooden Pen
04/25/2022 Turn a Wooden Pen
04/24/2022 Forging A Stock Knife
04/24/2022 Forging Roses
04/23/2022 How to Split a Bee Hive 201
04/23/2022 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
04/23/2022 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
04/23/2022 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
04/22/2022 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
04/17/2022 Stained Glass Easter Ornament
04/17/2022 Stained Glass Easter Ornament
04/16/2022 Learn Stick Welding (SMAW)
04/16/2022 Cutting Boards 201 - Intermediate Woodworking
04/13/2022 Build a set of Slab Mugs
04/11/2022 Build a set of Slab Mugs
04/11/2022 Turn a Wooden Pen
04/10/2022 *New Advanced Class!* Forging A Dagger - 2 day course
04/09/2022 AWA Class: Resin Casting for Turning Pens
04/09/2022 *New Advanced Class!* Making a Damascus Steel blank
04/09/2022 Bee School - One Day Class
04/06/2022 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
04/03/2022 Forging Scrolls - Decorative Smithing
04/03/2022 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
04/02/2022 Torch Welding, Brazing & Soldering
04/02/2022 *New Class!* Forging a Corkscrew
04/01/2022 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
03/28/2022 Turn a Wooden Pen
03/27/2022 ASAN CRAFT WORKSHOP: Stick welding for farmers
03/27/2022 Forging Axes
03/26/2022 Forging Hammers
03/25/2022 Feeding Bees 101
03/19/2022 Build an Adirondack Chair
03/18/2022 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
03/16/2022 Build a set of Slab Mugs
03/13/2022 Forging Roses
03/13/2022 Stained Glass Shamrock
03/12/2022 *New Class!* Forging a Leaf Key Fob
03/12/2022 AWA Class - Focus on the Skew Chisel
03/12/2022 Cutting Boards for Beginners 101
03/12/2022 *New Class!* Forged belt buckle
03/05/2022 Cutting Boards II - Intermediate Woodworking
03/03/2022 Woodturning for Beginners
02/27/2022 Forging Horseshoe Knives
02/27/2022 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
02/27/2022 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
02/26/2022 Torch Welding, Brazing & Soldering
02/26/2022 Forging a Flint Striker
02/25/2022 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
02/24/2022 Build a set of Slab Mugs
02/23/2022 Build a set of Slab Mugs
02/16/2022 Cutting Boards for Beginners
02/13/2022 Valentine's Day Class: Forging Hearts
02/13/2022 Stained Glass Valentine's Day Hearts
02/12/2022 AWA Practice Session - Texturing and Spiraling
02/12/2022 Forging Roses
02/12/2022 AWA Monthly Meeting + Live Demo
02/06/2022 Forging A Stock Knife
02/05/2022 Forging Scrolls - Decorative Smithing
02/05/2022 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
02/05/2022 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
01/15/2022 Cutting Boards for Beginners
01/15/2022 Torch Welding, Brazing & Soldering
01/15/2022 Forging Bottle Openers
01/02/2022 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
01/02/2022 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
01/01/2022 Forging Scrolls - Decorative Smithing
01/01/2022 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
01/01/2022 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
12/18/2021 Miniatures Painting Class
12/15/2021 Cutting Boards for Beginners
12/12/2021 Sterling Silver Ring Casting
12/11/2021 Miniatures Painting Class
12/11/2021 Stained Glass Christmas Ornament
12/11/2021 Cutting Boards II - Intermediate Woodworking
12/11/2021 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
11/21/2021 Torch Welding, Brazing & Soldering
11/21/2021 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
11/20/2021 Stained Glass Thanksgiving Ornament
11/19/2021 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
11/12/2021 Cutting Boards for Beginners
11/11/2021 Relocation to Hardware Park Virtual Presentation - Open to all Members
11/07/2021 Forging Axes
11/06/2021 Aluminum Casting
11/06/2021 Forging Hammers
10/31/2021 Stained Glass Halloween Ornament
10/31/2021 Stained Glass Halloween Ornament
10/27/2021 Intro to Woodworking - Cutting Boards I
10/23/2021 Cutting Boards II
10/21/2021 RMM - Hardware Park Open House
10/16/2021 Torch Welding, Brazing & Soldering
10/10/2021 RMM Member Meeting
10/10/2021 Forging A Stock Knife
10/09/2021 Forging Bottle Openers
10/09/2021 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
10/09/2021 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
10/01/2021 Welding Basics: Introduction to MIG
09/19/2021 Armoring I - Gauntlets
09/18/2021 Sheet Metal Forming Basics: Chasing and Repoussé
09/14/2021 Turn a Wooden Pen
09/13/2021 Intro to Woodworking - Cutting Boards I
09/12/2021 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
09/12/2021 Intro to Woodworking - Cutting Boards I
09/12/2021 Forging Railroad Spike Knives
09/11/2021 Forging Scrolls - Decorative Smithing
09/11/2021 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
09/11/2021 Forging Nails - First Blacksmith Class
09/07/2021 Turn a Wooden Pen
09/07/2021 Learn to use a Laser Cutter
08/28/2021 Cutting Boards II
08/14/2021 Intro to Woodworking - Cutting Boards I
08/01/2021 Stained Glass Candle Holders
08/01/2021 Stained Glass Candle Holders
07/31/2021 Stained Glass Window
07/31/2021 Journal Making Basics
07/31/2021 Stained Glass Window
07/25/2021 Stained Glass Sun Catcher
07/24/2021 Stained Glass Ornaments Blazing Sun
07/18/2021 Stained Glass 3-D Star
07/17/2021 Stained Glass Coasters
07/17/2021 Cutting Boards II
07/11/2021 Intro to Woodworking - Cutting Boards I
07/10/2021 Intro to Leatherworking - Hand stitching a card wallet
06/27/2021 Intro to Woodworking - Cutting Boards I
06/03/2021 Micro-controller Night
05/27/2021 Micro-controller Night
05/20/2021 Micro-controller Night
05/16/2021 Forging horseshoe knives (3 hour session)
05/16/2021 Forging horseshoe knives (3 hour session)
05/16/2021 Forging horseshoe knives (3 hour session)
05/15/2021 Forging punches/chisels (3 hour session)
05/15/2021 Forging punches/chisels (3 hour session)
05/15/2021 Forging punches/chisels (3 hour session)
05/09/2021 Forging Hearts (4 hour session)
05/02/2021 Forging Rail Road spike knives (4 hour session)
05/02/2021 Forging Rail Road spike knives (4 hour session)
03/27/2021 Garden skewer scrolls and twist (3 hour session)
03/21/2021 Forging Rail Road spike knives (3 hour session)
03/21/2021 Forging Rail Road spike knives (3 hour session)
03/21/2021 Forging Rail Road spike knives (3 hour session)
03/20/2021 Wood Turning a Letter Opener Handle (2 hour session)
03/20/2021 Forging S hooks (2 hour session)
03/20/2021 Forging A Letter Opener (2 hour session)
03/20/2021 Wood Turning a Letter Opener Handle (2 hour session)
03/20/2021 Wood Turning a Letter Opener Handle (2 hour session)
03/20/2021 Forging A Letter Opener (2 hour session)
03/20/2021 Forging A Letter Opener (2 hour session)
02/27/2021 Forging A Stock Knife (5 hour session)
02/27/2021 Forging A Stock Knife (5 hour session)
01/31/2021 Forging Scrolls, Decorative Smithing (2 hour 45 minute session)
01/31/2021 Forging Scrolls, Decorative Smithing (2 hour 45 minute session)
01/31/2021 Forging Scrolls, Decorative Smithing (2 hour 45 minute session)
01/30/2021 Forging Nails First Blacksmith Class (1 hour 45minute session)
01/30/2021 Forging Nails First Blacksmith Class (1 hour 45minute session)
01/10/2021 Forging Nails First Blacksmith Class (1 hour 45minute session)
01/09/2021 Forging Nails First Blacksmith Class (1 hour 45minute session)
11/23/2019 Ham Radio Cram Test

Get Notified About Our Upcoming Classes

* indicates required





810 4TH AVE N, BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203, UNITED STATES | 205.588.4077 |

RMM is a proud Birmingham AL nonprofit | © 2021 | Nonprofit Tax-ID: 46-2234591

Recipient of GuideStar Gold Transparency Seal

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