In this class students will learn how to assemble a functional viking shield using a combination of historical methods with modern tools. This class involves, light wood working, leather work, and some metal working. This class requires no prerequisites. Students can further improve their shield by painting their colors upon the face of the shield or adding a metal boss, all which will be covered in class. One month free membership will be granted to all participants to grant use of equipment to complete or expand upon their shield if it's not completed during the classes scheduled time.
Lunch will be included to include drying time.
About the Instructor: Class is taught by Kenneth of Fire & Brimstone Forge
Prerequisites: Recommended to take "Learn to Forge nails" first
Age: there are no age restrictions to the class. Please read carefully the disclaimers and guidelines
What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.