Learn how to hand forge a beautiful iron rose. Within this class students will texture and manipulate metal through a host of different blacksmithing techniques necessary to produce a metal flower.
Though no previous knowledge is necessarily required, this is a more advanced class designed to challenge student’s hand-eye coordination and sculpting. "Forging Nails" and other beginners / intermediate classes offered at RMM are recommended prior to taking this advanced class
About the Instructor: Classes taught by Kenneth of Fire & Brimstone Forge
Age: there are no age restrictions to the class. Please read carefully the disclaimers and guidelines
What to wear: At RMM, you must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in all-natural fiber clothing (100% cotton), long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long hair must be tied back. Nylon, polyester, spandex, or other synthetics are not allowed around machines, equipment, or processes that can produce hot fragments, sparks, or flames. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. The CDC has a guide to acceptable cloth masks that help prevent the spread of infection.