Learn the basics of woodturning to make the design of your choice. This class will cover the fundamentals including how to safely operate a lathe, how to use hand-held turning tools, properties of wood, design considerations, and finishing. Participants may copy an example design or develop their own. We will have plenty of wood for practice and creativity.
Are minors allowed? Only if accompanied by parent.
What to Wear: You must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in long pants, closed toe and heal shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long sleeves should be avoided. Long hair must be tied back and jewelry should not be worn. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. Ear plugs are recommended for hearing protection and dust masks are also useful.
About the instructor:
Carl Cummins has been woodturning as a primary activity for over 12 years. He has studied extensively from books, videos, workshops, symposiums, and formal training from nationally and internationally known leaders in the field including David Ellsworth and Jean-Francois Escoulen. Instead of specializing, Carl enjoys a wide variety of woodturning projects including bowls, boxes, practical items, and eccentric art pieces.
Age: there are no age restrictions to the class, though minors must be supervised by a guardian at all times. Please read carefully the disclaimers and guidelines and contact us with any questions or concerns.
Refund and Cancellation Policy
In this class, we will turn a pen using an acrylic pen blank from a wide variety of colors and styles. Acrylic turns much differently from wood and having taken an earlier pen class would be helpful, but not a requirement for this class. Acrylic is much harder than wood and has a different kind of smell. The finished product, if done properly, will have a beautiful, glass-like appearance. Acrylic pens offer a much wider selection of colors and styles than wood. There is a limit of three to this class. The cost of $125.00 will cover all materials, prepared pen blanks, and all supplies for finishing your pen.
About the Instructor: Terry Tingle is the president of the Alabama Woodturners Association and is a member of The American Association of Woodturners. Terry has been teaching students how to turn pens for years, some of whom have had their exhibitions in Art and Craft Shows throughout Alabama, including Mentone.
What to wear: You must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long sleeves should be avoided if possible and rolled up if necessary. Long hair must be tied back and dangly necklaces, earrings or other accessories shall be removed before starting the class. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed. Masks may be required depending on circumstances.
Get introduced to the beautiful craft of woodworking by making your own cutting board.
You will choose from a variety of designs composed of different native hardwoods, learn proper assembling, gluing, sanding and finishing techniques and will be taught how to correctly use thickness planer and orbital sander.
After this 3-hour course, you will bring home a stylish ~ 8.5" x 11" handmade board that you can show off to your friends and family.
Check out the designs available to make during this class here
What to wear: You must dress safely and appropriately. Arrive for class in long pants, and closed-toe, closed-heel shoes with socks that protect up to the ankle. Long sleeves should be avoided if possible and rolled up if necessary. Long hair must be tied back and dangly necklaces, earrings or other accessories shall be removed before starting the class. Additional protective gear will be provided as needed.
About the Instructor: Terry Tingle is the president of the Alabama Woodturners Association and is a member of The American Association of Woodturners. Terry has been doing woodworking since 2014, and has taught students how to create cutting board designs, cut segments, glue and use a variety of clamps, and how to use planers and orbital sanders, and how to use the right finishes to preserve cutting boards. Terry is knowledgeable and experienced in making long grain, edge grain, and end grain cutting boards. He especially enjoys seeing the expression of a student who has just learned how to make something that looks great and is so useful. And cutting boards make great gifts!
810 4TH AVE N, BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203, UNITED STATES | 205.588.4077 | secretary@redmountainmakers.org
RMM is a proud Birmingham AL nonprofit | © 2021 | Nonprofit Tax-ID: 46-2234591